Septic Design
and Installation

Lake of Bays Muskoka Septic Design & Installation
Muskoka Septic Installation
Lake of Bays Excavation & Landscape Services

years of

Septic design and installation are fundamental to almost any building project or renovation. In fact, building plans can’t be submitted for permit approval until a septic plan has been submitted first. 

Fivepoint Landscaping and Services has the required licensing and many years of experience designing and installing septic systems. We can also consult with homeowners and cottagers to assess whether a planned renovation or addition requires a septic system to be reworked or replaced based on an existing permit.

Septic design and

When installing a septic system for a new build, our work begins with an onsite visit, where we use a GPS unit to survey the property and prepare a topographical map. Then, with the building plans in hand, we’ll design the septic system that makes the most sense for your unique property and situation. The same class of septic system will vary greatly depending on site-specific features such as the space available, soil material, and depth to bedrock, so it’s vital to be guided by experience here. 

Of special interest to many residents of Muskoka, septic systems near the water are required to be Class 2, that is, to include an additional secondary wastewater treatment stage when compared with other systems. Class 2 systems protect nearby waterways by treating and filtrating the septic wastewater before it enters the bed. Fivepoint has a wealth of experience installing Class 2 systems as well as the more traditional leaching bed systems such as raised and inground beds, whitby filter beds, and greywater pits. 

Fivepoint muskoka installation
Lake of Bays Muskoka Septic design and install

Ensured Property


While far from its most glamourous aspect, a properly functioning septic system is truly invaluable, not only to the enjoyment of your home or cottage, but also to your health and that of your family.

Contaminants in wastewater can impact your drinking water supply and cause serious health concerns to you or your property. To ensure a robust and resilient septic system, separation distances, other legislated standards, and regular maintenance must be observed.

WITH FIVEPOINT Landscaping, we use Waterloo Bio-filters to ensure your properties septic system is secure & safe for the environment and your home use.

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